Isaac Grossberg

About me:

I am in my final full term here at Oregon State University. However I still have two classes left to take this summer as well as the completion of my second MECOP internship at SSOE before I can officially graduate. I have not established a specific focus area though my interests lie in the areas of digital data processing, signals and systems, and digital logic design. My goal after I graduate is to gain more experience in industry before branching off and starting a company of my own.

My experience in engineering started with an internship at International Paper in Springfield, OR. There I worked closely with a mentor on circuit design via AutoCAD as well as programming Programmable Logic Controllers for the control of industrial machinery. Several years later I landed an internship at Intel Corporation through MECOP. This experience gave me exposure to a wide variety of technical areas including machine learning, web design, and hardware failure analysis.

My most recent embedded systems project involved writing drivers for inertial measurement units which are used to track head positioning over time. Skills I gained from this include reading datasheets, configuring sensor control registers, and manipulation of raw sensor data. I hope that my involvement in this community will add to this list of skills in a meaningful way.

