Evertt Brandt

I am a junior Electrical and Computer Engineering student at Oregon State. My interest is in embedded systems, and I hope to work in industry within this field. I first started when I was on the Linn-Benton Community College Remotely Operated Vehicle Team. I was introduced to the arduino platform at this time, which helped give me a gentle introduction to microcontrollers. Our vehicle was able to navigate underwater via a pilot that used a ps2 controller and four cameras to collect data and pick up and place objects. We ended up qualifying for an international competition and placing 18th.

I currently work at the Sinnhuber Aquatic Research Laboratory as an engineering research assistant. In this role I build prototype scientific equipment that performs tests on zebrafish. I’ve gained skills in CAD, electrical, and software design in this role.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/everett-brandt-b49093199/

Resume: https://osu-wams-blogs-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/blogs.dir/3253/files/2020/02/Resume6.pdf