
Writing Exercise #6

There are two distinct memories that I have about antibiotics, and both of them happened within the same year.

The second time that I had to take antibiotics it was difficult but relatively non-invasive, at least as far as antibiotics go. I had caught pink eye. My freshman year of college, my dorm window looked out over the parking lot and had a view of the Hilton Garden Inn to the south of campus. The light would pour in through the slats of our blinds, and for the first few weeks of college, dramatically impacted my sleep. I had decided to buy a sleep mask to actually get rest so that I could get work done in class.

When the sleep mask arrived a few days later, I happily slapped it on my face and slept like a log for the first time in many nights. As the week dragged on, both of my eyes began to feel sore and began to make mucousy sludge that had sealed my eyes shut in the mornings. Whether it was my sleepless haze of the past few weeks or not, I didn’t identify the mask as the vector for my eye infection until after I had gone to student health services and received antibiotic eyedrops. they may have been impossible to use, but at least these antibiotics stayed in my eyes (and a little on my cheeks) and didn’t have any systemic effects.

The first time I took antibiotics was only four months earlier, right after my last day of high school. I had woken up perfectly fine. It was a brisk June morning in Oregon, nothing out of the ordinary, but as I walked to the bus I realized that I was much warmer than normal. the day dragged on, and I became clammier and more feverish. By the end of the day I was drawing concern from friends and acquaintances, and by the time I got home, I was running a high fever and sweating uncontrollably, and had developed such a sore throat that I could no longer swallow.

The next day I went to the clinic, where I was quickly diagnosed with a combination of bronchitis, laryngitis, and a double ear infection and sent home with prescriptions for antibiotics and an inhaler. I took the antibiotics without question. I understood the importance of maintaining the schedule of pills, and completed the full course of antibiotics without issue. At this time I was only acutely aware of the microbiome, and didn’t consider that systemic antibiotics would have a negative effect on that as well.

Various gastrointestinal distresses began popping up. I had previously attributed them to my liquid diet of the past few weeks, as juices and smoothies were the only things that I could actually eat, but as my normal diet resumed, it became clearer that that was not the case. It was at this point that I was introduced to probiotics, and as soon as I started substantially consuming probiotic foods in my diet, I began to feel relief from my various GI ails.

I now know enough about antibiotics to know that sometimes they are not necessary. I believe that in my lived experience, the times that I have had to take antibiotics were necessary, and I would not have benefitted from alternative treatment options due to the either the manner or the severity of my infections. I do believe that many times, doctors will prescribe antibiotics for issues that could be treated by other means, and that this can be more harmful to patients than the initial infection. In the future, I will discuss alternative options with healthcare professionals in the event that antibiotics are brought up, and if there are not alternative treatment options, I will be sure to take my antibiotics with yogurt.


Writing Exercise #5

Having spent time in the past studying probiotics and the gut microbiome, as well as being a student in the dietetics program, I certainly do choose pro/prebiotic foods as opposed to other, less microbially healthy choices. I have tried my best to incorporate probiotics into my regular diet. For example, instead of using milk in a smoothie, I will choose kefir because it has benefits as a probiotic (it does help that I vastly prefer the taste of kefir to milk; the tartness of fermented foods tastes very good to me). Additionally, whenever I want to include probiotics in a meal, I am careful not to kill them by cooking or adding food products that may negatively impact the microbes.

One concerning unintentional alteration to my microbiome is the microbiomes of the people that I live with. During the Coronavirus pandemic, I moved to live with my parents, and recently will be going back to Corvallis and living with a group of roommates. It is somewhat gross to think about, but the changes that they make to their microbiomes will have an impact on my microbiome.

You know how they say that there’s a thin layer of fecal matter on pretty much everything in your house? That fecal matter has microbes that were previously living in someone, and so it only stands to reason that as you live in a house with people, your microbiomes begin to converge. On the flip side, I could look at it from the opposite direction. Instead of them making my microbiome less healthy, maybe I am making their microbiomes healthier!

I think that there are very few intentional decisions that you could make in terms of food and nutrition. It basically boils down to whether you decide to purchase and eat them or not. I do think that more people should be educated on the topic of probiotics so that they can make a more informed decision when faced with one, but past that, there is not much else to do.


Writing Exercise #4

Rhetorical Precis:

Ott SJ, Waetzig GH, Rehman A, Moltzau-Anderson J, Bharti R, Grasis JA, Cassidy L, Tholey A, Fickenscher H, Seegert D, Rosenstiel P, Schreiber S. 2017. Efficacy of Sterile Fecal Filtrate Transfer for Treating Patients With Clostridium difficile Infection. Gastroenterology 152.

Stephan J Ott and his colleagues, in this research article published in the journal Gastroenterology, entitled “Efficacy of Sterile Fecal Filtrate Transfer for Treating Patients with Clostridium difficile Infection” (2017), asserts that sterilized fecal filtrates are equally effective to traditional fecal transplant therapies while also being safer. They show this by conducting a study of patients with C. diff infections, and their results demonstrated that using a sterilized fecal filtrate was effective at eliminating the infection just like a common fecal transplant, with the added benefit of eliminating risk for adverse effects. Ott, et al, conducted this research to find better therapies that can eventually replace the traditional fecal transplant therapy, which has inherent risks associated with the introduction of a large number of unknown bacteria. The intended audience for this piece is likely doctors and health practitioners that work with the gut microbiome, as well as those who hold interest in fecal transplantation as therapy for other diseases.


Writing Exercise #3

General lifestyle changes are the main mode of action that people have on their microbiome. From altering hygiene habits affecting the skin microbiome to usage of mouthwash affecting the oral microbiome, the microbiome in general is highly dynamic and variable. One more such body site microbial community that can be changed by lifestyle changes is the gut microbiome.

The most obvious change that can impact the gut microbial community is that of diet. This can affect change via two different mechanisms: prebiotics and probiotics.

Prebiotics refers to food that humans eat that microbes use as substrates to sustain growth and reproduction. Prebiotics usually encompasses most fibers, especially soluble fibers, because these components are not digestible by the human body so microbes have free reign to digest these fibers. The presence of these fibers in the diet preferentially selects for microbes that can digest the same fibers. That doesn’t mean that prebiotic fibers are the only thing that microbes will consume. There have been recorded differences in gut microbial communities in people with and without high fiber intakes (vegans and high proportion meat eaters), which suggests that diet outside of specifically named prebiotics also has an effect on the microbial community of the gut

Probiotics are a different story altogether. These are foods that contain bacteria in them already, and these bacteria are the same ones that like to colonize the gut. When people eat these probiotic foods, they introduce these microbes to the general gut microbial community. With sustained, repeated exposure to probiotic foods, the probiotic bacteria will colonize and begin to grow in the gut, effectively changing the microbial community.

With the two prior changes, there is not necessarily a precedent as to whether or not the change will result in a healthier microbial community, because everything is variable between human microbiomes, and what may be invaluably healthful to one person may be entirely harmful to another.

One possible change that could be universally healthy is a decrease in stress. The gut and the brain are linked by the Vagus nerve, and what one does has an impact on the other: the gut microbiome can be affected by the brain and vice versa. This overall reduction in stress can come from meditation, mental health therapies, or exercise. Each of these lifestyle changes have been associated with change in the microbiome, which suggests that stress has an impact on the gut microbiome. It has been further theorized that the microbiome has an impact on stress, so there is the potential for a positive feedback loop that can work for or against stress. General stress may lead to negative changes in the microbiome which may in turn have a negative effect on stress which can further negatively impact the microbiome, and so on. Therefor, reduction in stress could overall positively affect the microbiome.


Writing Exercise #2

According to the reading, it seems like a vaccine that includes multiple HPV strains should include HPVs 16, 18, 31, and 45 at minimum. This would stem the root of a reported 80% of cervical cancer associated HPV infections. This is the ideal likely gives the best cost/benefit analysis, but it does leave the window open for other carcinogenic HPV strains to take hold and increase the proportion of cancers that they cause.

If we wanted to most effectively eliminate cervical cancers associated with HPV, we would include all of the other associated carcinogenic HPV strains (HPVs 33, 35, 39, 51 52, 56, 58, and 59). This would, however, be extraordinarily expensive to develop, produce, and (due to the nature of healthcare in America) administer. Likely so expensive that nobody would willingly sink the costs to produce a vaccine with every carcinogenic HPV strain, and very few people would go about getting it.

One possibility is that the most carcinogenic HPV strains could remain separated as different vaccines as opposed to mixed into one. This might make it more cost effective and more people might be inclined to get at least one of the shots. One potential issue with this set up would be needle phobias impacting rates of vaccinations.

The best time to administer these vaccines is before sexual contact, where HPV runs the risk of spreading. this can occur at any point, but likely before puberty would be a good starting point for vaccine doses.

Interestingly, after further research, it looks like a broad spectrum HPV vaccine is already being produced. Gardasil-9, a vaccine that protects against 7 of the most common carcinogenic HPV strains and 2 strains associated with genital warts, is already approved by the FDA and is being administered starting from the age of 9. This approval came mere weeks ago, after an accelerated FDA approval process that went through on June 12th, 2020.