
DSGN 341: Design Thinking (Week 6)

Week Six Winter Term 2020:

When coming up with solutions, it is highly recommended to illustrate those ideas. Not only does it force you to use a different part of your brain, but it helps to visually see what your idea looks like. It’s also a lot easier to interpret a drawing than a text describing it. There is a definitive difference between inventing and innovating. Originality (inventing) is something you rarely see nowadays. I remember reading or hearing about the notion that there is no such thing as an original idea. Someone, somewhere at one point in time has thought of the idea that you are currently thinking of right now. I believe much of today’s creation is ripping off someone else’s ideas (innovating). Creativity can be drawn from numerous sources. I guess sleeping is a great way to draw out creativity. As long as you can remember and control your own dreams.

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