What a Journey!

I have learned so much through this course!! There were a lot of new things, some things that needed practice, and some things that I had always been aware of but never utilized it enough to perfect the skill.

New Technical Skills

  • Creating an email Signature
  • Embedding links
  • Creating, maintaining, and designing a blog
  • Creating a budget through a program
  • HTML codes
  • Image captioning


One of the most interesting new theories that I learned was through the gender lens project! I had always been aware that gender plays a large role in out society, but I had never dove that deep into the various factors… Many of which I had not even considered could be related to gender (economics, education, etc.).

Furthermore, I was also aware of the gender pay gap and the class ceiling, but I was unaware of current statistics and reasoning as to why there is still such a great inequality. Doing the research each week really opened up my eyes and gave me evidence to back up my position.

In the Future

I think that the most useful skill I have learned through this course is the skills surrounding the blogs! With our world (especially the professional one) getting more and more technological all the time, I think that blog knowledge could be very helpful in not only securing me a a job, but promoting whatever  or whomever I work for/with later on.

I don’t know if I will continue to use my blog site after this class…considering I wouldn’t know what to write about! However, I have enjoyed putting my thoughts into something concrete, and perhaps a blog is in my future!

I think that I will most definitely use screen shots, PDF’s, and spreadsheets in the future! As I said above, technology is a huge part of our world. I think that learning through this class even more mediums which I can use to communicate with others (professionally or privately), instead of just usually email,  will greatly benefit me for years to come!

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All in for Rigamajig

I personally thought that my research subject, the Rigamajig, is amazing! I love how it engages children to use their brain and imagination to not just follow directions, but create and learn many things along the way!

Furthermore, I think the company behind it will not only continue to help children, but improve women’s status in technology as well. Because Rigamajig was created by a women, Cas Holman, I think that could be part of the reason in is marketed so well to BOTH genders, and works to bridge the gender gap.

However, I think that it’s only downfall is it’s price and availability. I know it is still a fairly new toy, but hopefully more and more schools and child care centers realize it’s full potential and apply for the grant!


My Greatest Dreams!

  • To live my life to the fullest
  • To publish a children’s book
  • To travel to Africa or South America
  • To have a family with at least 3 children
  • To make a difference in children’s lives through my career in human services
  • To be a blessing to those around me and put others above myself
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Round 2

For our first research project, finding information was fairly easy…it was the compiling and comprehension that took the time. However, with this project, writing the report it easy, I am just struggling with finding the information. There is not much concerning my toy the ‘Rigamajig’. I can find the basics, yet specific details such as if it is manufactured by men or women is hard to find. However, I will keep digging!

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Done with one Project, and off to the Next!

Adding images to my cultural research paper was fairly simple. I really like how easy this program is to use and navigate. The trick of writing ‘&copy’ will be a useful one to keep in my back pocket for future projects to come!

My use of Legos has been, sadly, fairly limited. We didn’t have them growing up, except for one small Native American set my sister received for her birthday one year. However, I now work at an elementary after school program, and my students are in love with Legos! They ask to play with them every single day, and always build fantastic houses, animals, planes, etc. I am amazed by their creativity and talent.

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So Far So Good

Now that my cultural research project is pretty much complete (except for more editing next week), I feel a lot more relaxed! Coming into this project, I underestimated how much time I would need for the research, and it seemed to sneak up on me as well. Altogether, one of my biggest struggles was finding adequate information for the technology section. Then, when I did find information, it was sometimes difficult to not only understand it, but put it into a cohesive report.

However, despite all of my struggles, I did enjoy the project. I was very uneducated on female scientists, and I have learned so much through this project. Not only did I learn about the culture and technology surrounding women during Maggie Aderin-Pocock’s upbringing, but I learned a lot about technology as well.

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In Search of Maggie Aderin-Pocock…

This week I really tried to dive into the research! The tool I found to be the most helpful was the OSU library 1search. I tried using the different databases and found somethings, yet I found that it saved time if I just used the 1search. However, when searching for articles that Aderin-Pocock wrote herself EBSCOHost was the most helpful.

I had never chatted with librarians before, and I wish I had used it in past research projects. I asked the librarian to help me find her PhD thesis from 1994 because I think it would add a lot to my project. However, even though the librarian helped me find it, it cost to view it.

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Maggie Aderin-Pocock: Space Scientist

Though I researched several different women in technology/science, Maggie Aderin-Pocock really intrigued me! I have hardly ever head the term ‘space scientist’, and I am excited to learn more.

She was born in London to Nigerian parents in 1968, so both her ethnicity and her birthplace are foreign to me. Even though the excelled in math and science in school, she also suffered from dyslexia. Because of this, educators tried to persuade her away from the science field…but she wouldn’t be deterred!

Maggie Aderin-Pocock is most recognized for building/designing space exploration instruments. Furthermore, she is a Honary Research Associate UCL Department of Physics and Astronomy. Lastly, Aderin-Pocock co-presents The Sky at Night, an astronomy television show.

Because she is still living, it would be possible to contact her. However, because she is such a well pronounced figure, it would probably take some hard work and perseverance.

I tried using the different helpful sights in the instructions, but after I knew I wanted to research someone in astronomy I merely Googled female astronomers.

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Off and Running

There were parts of this week’s blog assignment which I thoroughly enjoyed, but other sections were confusing…

I really enjoyed choosing the design for my blog! There were so many colors and set ups to choose from, and I am sure I only realize the tip of the iceberg when it comes to customizing it. I think this is a huge part of blogging, because people could either be drawn to putt off by a blogs design…thus determining whether they read it or not. Lastly, I think it is also very important to have the blog’s appearance match it’s subject and audience.

Though I enjoyed customizing, all of the other organizing tasks were confusing. The very detailed instructions helped a lot, but after I changed the appearance of my blog it was harder to find the sections I needed to click on. However, I think I got it all figured out!

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Gender Lens

Gender Lens Post

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Financial Analysis

Financial Analysis Post

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