
Week 7: IPIP Results

Taking the IPIP test was a wake up call and introduced me to a couple of things I did not know about myself. After completing the test, I was excited about some of the results, and then a little worried about other results. I have always been known as an outgoing and fun person, therefore I figured I would score high on the extraversion scale. The test backed up my thoughts, and I scored a 95 on the extraversion portion of the test. Friendliness and excitement seeking were two of the big sections for me, and both scored above 95 within the extraversion scale. When it came to agreeableness, I scored fairly poorly. My agreeableness score was a 33, with only one section scoring above a 50. This is something I want to work on and will get better at over time. The conscientiousness test rated me as a 56 which is average for this portion. Neuroticism had me at a 33, which is also average for this test. Lastly, my openness to experience is extremely low at only a 3. This was eye opening to me and something that I need to work on for sure. I need to be willing to experience and push myself outside of my comfort zone more often. This will help to grow me in many ways.

A future employer looking at these results would expect me to be extremely outgoing and personable. They would expect me to be able to talk with other employees, management, and customers with ease and confidence. An extravert is somebody that most individuals like and want to be around because they are fun and easy to talk to. Employers would expect me to draw in more consumers at all times. I would also be expected to bring a lot of energy to work every day. Employers would know what they are getting when hiring somebody like me. An employer would say my strengths are energy, hard work, personable, and dedication to my work. My weaknesses would include a lack of creativity, and motivation to push myself out of my comfort zone. I have a poor openness to experience things outside of my normal duties. This could affect not only me as an employee but may make my work ineffective at times.

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