
Week 3: Job Description

The last job I had, and still have is working for the College of Business in the Information Services Department as a student employee. Thinking back to the job description, it most definitely influenced my decision to work there. First of all, I was looking for an on-campus job and knew that I wanted to be a student employee. I saw that the COB was hiring, so I decided to check it out. The job description included answering the phone, helping students with printing issues in the lab, and helping professors with classroom technology issues. This was interesting to me because it was something new, and seemed to be a new challenge. My influence to apply for this job was driven by the fact that I was going to be completing customer service work, and I wanted to better my ability to speak with professionals.

After working here or over a year, the job description still holds true today. I have since then been promoted to a different job within the COB, but both job descriptions are dead on. The job descriptions are similar because a majority of the job is answering the phone, and interacting with both students and faculty. As a student worker, you must be comfortable speaking with professionals and resolving their technological issues. As a worker in the lab, you must know the ins and outs of the printers, and ensure that they are stocked and working at all times. Of course with COVID-19 appearing, we are all forced to work from home. The job description has definitely changed if compared to working at home, but I figured this is not a fair comparison. I cannot seem to find the job description, so I am unable to attach it at the moment.

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