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  1. I believe what makes me different from the rest is the desire I have to stay focused until the very end. Grit I believe is what separates the great from the average, because without it there is nothing driving you to succeed. My goal every day is to be a better example and grow as an individual through every experience. Whether this is difficult or easy, new, or experienced, my sole aim is to learn from my experience, apply it to what is ahead and keep driving forward. I struggle with becoming so committed that I have a hard time turning away, and this is something that has been a blessing and a curse. Our attitude and outlook have a huge effect on our day to day lives, and I make it my focus to keep this positive and upward in order to reach my goals.
  2. I found the material this week to be interesting. There is no doubt that the methods for the way we do things have dramatically changed in the last 20 or so years. Generations ago one would get a job primarily by word of mouth, then this mode of communication called the newspaper came out, and it was the best way to reach many people. That stayed true until the coming of the next big breakthrough and that is the internet. There are numerous networks today that offer services to share your profile with a large group of people. These are extremely effective and have been proven successful. Some take different approaches, such as the women who sat on the side of the street with a sign that said she was hungry for a job. She stated that it is important to differentiate yourself from the rest of the population, and I think that is extremely true. Personally, I would plan on beginning by posting my profile to numerous job search boards such as Indeed, Glass Door, and LinkedIn. This will get me out to the largest number of potential hiring individuals. This may result in having to move or make large lifestyle adjustments since it is broadcasted to many different companies and locations. If that does not end up working, I then may try something more unique like the women from Buffalo did.
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