From Actor to Developer: how life transitions are the rule, not the exception
Junior Dev: Belonging
Speaking up in standup meetings, actually designing instead of surviving It’s been a whirlwind of a time. For the first few weeks of my employment at my new job as a junior developer, I was floundering. During standup, my teammates would speak words, but I had trouble understanding even the most basic of vocabulary. Even…
Junior Dev: Month One
After a month, finally feeling like I belong there. Looking back at where I started, and seeing where I am now is mind blowing. The first week of working my new job as a junior developer, I was ready to throw in the towel and never tell anyone I tried to be a software developer.…
First Developer Job: Three Weeks In
What I learned in the first three weeks of landing my first junior developer role My how time flies. It feels like yesterday when I was a baby bird looking at the code base wondering why in the world I chose this profession. When I first arrived, I knew it was going to feel like…
First Developer Job: The Night Before
How I prepared for my first dev role, and how I didn’t freak out…much. Starting a new job is always a scary step. This is multiplied by a thousand when you are starting in an industry very unlike anything you’ve experienced thus far. You see, before taking the plunge into computer science and software development…