
Most Important Thing I’ve Learned

A universal truth learned in this class is that a company is only as good as its employees. For this reason, one of the fundamental processes within the routine of the Human Resources sector is that of recruitment and selection.

During the recruitment and selection of people, the best candidates are chosen for the position that are open in the company and, from that, become part of the staff.

Although it seems like a simple process, recruiting people requires a lot of care, in addition to specific techniques to make everything flow as quickly and effectively as possible.

What is recruitment and selection?

First of all, it must be said that recruitment and selection can be both a process and an area of ​​knowledge within the human resources structure itself.

In general, recruitment and selection can be conceptualized by the two words that are part of his name, which, contrary to what many think, are not synonymous.

Therefore, it is essential to understand the difference between recruitment and selection to understand how the process works. See what each of these words mean and how important they are.

What is recruitment?

In Human Resources, recruitment is the part of the process that takes care of attracting more capable candidates to fill vacancies that are open in a company.

The objective of recruiting people is to find the largest number of qualified people to fill a position, in order to increase the chances of getting an employee that fits well in the company’s structure.

But make no mistake! This process does not happen only when there are open positions, it is continuous and only intensifies during this period. A well-prepared company is always looking for possible new talent!

What is selection?

Selection is the second part of the process. It starts to occur when there are a certain number of candidates previously recruited for the vacancy and aims to choose who will occupy the position in question.

This choice is made through a wide range of recruitment and selection processes and techniques, which aim to evaluate candidates in the most fair way possible.

What is the importance of recruitment and selection?

Conducting an appropriate recruitment and selection process has become an important part of the business structure. This is because it has many benefits and can optimize different sectors and functions, thus generating more profit and efficiency.

In addition, proper selection and recruitment can help reduce turnover in the company, causing less turnover. Another positive advantage is the cost reduction, since the lower the turnover, the fewer hiring processes and, consequently, less money spent.

But it is not only that, if employee choices are correct and appropriate to the company’s profile, it is certain that productivity will be much higher and the relationship between employees will be much more positive – which also helps in reducing absenteeism.

In addition, the succession of leadership will also be easier, since you will have only well-trained, qualified and properly aligned with your company’s vision and mission in the staff.



1. What am I good at?

“Study ability”: this word defines my determination to learn, study, research, look for alternatives and solutions to problems and challenges.

Proactivity: one of the meanings of the prefix “pro” means anticipation. As a proactive person I am always anticipating events, making plans for how to act in the future based on a rational analysis of the present.

Resilience: my ability to overcome obstacles or withstand the pressure of adverse situations without falling into despair.

Professionalism: my determination to do the job correctly and well planned.

Punctuality: this characteristic is a sign of respect, commitment to others and is increasingly valued.

Empathy: my ability to put myself in people’s shoes, to understand how they make their decisions.

Altruism: it is the attitude of giving up personal interests for the benefit of another person or the collective interest.

2. What do I value?

Willingness: the ability to be always alert, willing and available for the most different tasks, without anyone being in charge.

Courage: ability to face challenges with confidence and fearlessness or to expose yourself in crisis or difficulty situations with confidence and firmness, even taking risks that most would not take.

Temperance: it means balancing myself, putting oneself under limits and trying to ensure the control of the will over instincts.

As we know we usually value some of what we are good at, in my case I chose 3 of all things that I am good at that I also value: punctuality, empathy and altruism.

3. How did I get here?

I believe my entire life I have been always been a hardworking and proactive person. I have always fought for what I want and never let anybody tell me I can’t or won’t get there, I think I am the only person who can say that to myself. I have always been taught to think ahead and plan my future specially, financially speaking. My father always told me we need to plan our future to have a more relaxed elderly age and not depend on family or friends for any help or assistance. so I always have the idea of being totally independent in my life and I believe this represented a large portion of my hard work.

4. Where am I going?

Achieving financial independence is a big dream that, to many people, seems distant and difficult to achieve. But with good planning it is possible to get there. Just like most people, my I want to achieve my financial independence and for that I have a few things in mind:

Plan my budget

Put on paper everything I earn and spend in a month, semester or year. This is essential in organizing and planning for the future, as well as being the most effective way to control finances. I should also consider eventual expenses, which weigh in the budget. Therefore, it is necessary to have control over consumerist impulses.

Set goals

Dreaming is the fuel that drives you forward. When you have a dream as a goal, immediate consumption no longer causes the same satisfaction, as there is a greater goal for money. When someone has no dreams, there is no need to save and it is easier to have a financial imbalance and suffer that feeling of frustration.

Work with pleasure

Doing what you like and working with something that gives you pleasure and satisfaction usually ends up generating a bigger and more positive result. This creates a stimulus and, therefore, it is more pleasant to get the money you need to become independent.


IPIP Results & Reactions

My score on Extraversion is average: 64, indicating I am neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. I enjoy time with others but also time alone. I have many friends and love them and always enjoy the time with them, but I also need time for myself, I deeply enjoy my own company. I have high level of friendliness and cheerfulness; average levels of gregariousness, assertiveness, and activity; and a low level of excitement-seeking.

My score on Agreeableness is 97, it indicates a strong interest in others’ needs and well-being. I am pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative. I have always put others first, which might not always be the best, but I really put myself in others shoes because we cannot simply judge someone if we don’t know their reasons for doing what they do. I have a high level morality, altruism, modesty and tender-mindedness and an average level of trust.

My score on conscientiousness is 97. This means I set clear goals and pursue them with determination. People regard me as reliable and hard-working. I have high levels of orderliness, dutifulness, achievement striving, self-discipline, and cautiousness.

My score on Neuroticism is 8, indicating that I are exceptionally calm, composed and unflappable. I do not react with intense emotions, even to situations that most people would describe as stressful. I have low levels of anxiety, anger, depression, self-consciousness, immoderation, and vulnerability.

My score on Openness to Experience is 12, indicating I like to think in plain and simple terms. Others describe me as down-to-earth, practical, and conservative. I have low levels of imagination, artistic interests, and intellect. And I have average levels of emotionality, adventurousness, and liberalism.

I believe three of my biggest strengths  are:

  • Positive attitude: I am always deeply focused and show interest on the projects in which I participate. A negative attitude will only demotivate me and my team.
  • Empathy, my ability to show closeness and understanding to other co-workers helps to create a favorable working environment.
  • Proactivity: One of the biggest clichés at the moment of professional CVs, but one of the characteristics most appreciated by companies, is proactivity. And it is not for less: people who do not remain stagnant, who transform difficulties into changes and not complaints, who do not need to follow orders all the time and who are able to use their intelligence to improve the world in which they live are transformed in high-performance professionals, who drive the results of an organization.

I believe one of by big weakness when thinking work-wise is regards to the scores on openness to experience. For example, creativity. The most successful companies have thrived due to innovation and consistent improvement in current internal processes. They are constantly looking for those who are not only able to work autonomously, but who are also able to formulate new ways to carry out old tasks and processes. The advancement of the internet, the growth of marketing strategies and the narrowing of forms of communication between people are demanding the search for creative professionals, who bring different ideas to attract audiences and stand out in the market. Faced with this scenario, companies are thirsty for revolutionary minds, which strengthen their technical training with personal skills to present improvements and innovative strategies. A creative mind, capable of creating products and services that consumers do not even know they need, is what stands out in the current market. Since I am more to the “conservative” side and like things on the plain term as the test showed, I believe this is my biggest downside for an employer.


Typical vs. Maximal Performance

I would choose Jaime, why? Let me tell you a story I heard a lot when I was a kid.

One day, a Hare ridiculed the turtle’s short legs and slowness. The turtle smiled and said: “Do you think you are quick as the wind but I believe that I would win her in a race”. The hare of course, considered that hint as impossible to happen, and accepted the challenge on the spot. They then invited a fox to serve as a judge, choose the route and the point of arrival. And on the chosen day, from the starting point, they left together. The turtle, with its slow but firm step, determined, concentrated, never stopped walking towards its goal. But the hare, confident of its speed, unconcerned with the race, lay down by the side of the road for a quick nap. Upon awakening, although he ran as fast as his legs allowed, he was unable to reach the turtle, which had already crossed the finish line, and now rested quietly in a corner. This is, without a doubt, the best analogy to explain why DIRECTION is much more important than speed. Not even the greatest skill, the most extensive experience or high intelligence surpass CONSISTENCY in life choices. Rather than ‘having potential’ choose to ‘have consistent direction’.

I believe an employee performing at high potential but poor consistency should be for an area more laid back if I can call it that. An area like marketing and market research, since those are fields don’t require a daily consistency in one’s productivity.

In other hands, an employee performing at low potential but high consistency would best fit at an accounting office for example, where it requires as consistency in productivity.


Critiquing a Recruitment Ad

By establishing my brand, I intend to actually encourage others to promote my services as a reliable source. After all, personal branding is not about me, but about what people perceive of me. I consider myself a reliable,  proactive, trustworthy, and hardworking. I believe those are extremely important characteristics when working and performing a job/tasks. As my personal brand I want to primarily show my desire to perform at my best for the chosen company. My second goal is to encourage other employees to also perform at their best, because I believe by doing that, I am not only promoting myself, but also promoting other employees for the company success. My third goal, which I believe is a very important part of my personal brand is proactiveness, with that I can help the company with problem alleviation since proactivity helps prevent problems before the event, minimizing exposure to them.

I am not afraid to position myself. Even if I have the same role as hundreds of others in the market, I am still unique. My way of working and the experience I provide to others is unique. So, I will assume who I really am and project that identity on what I do. I am not afraid to be different, the biggest mistake we make is to stay in the middle and not connect meaningfully with anyone. My ideal audience will value me for being who I am and that is my differential. So I will be clear in my position and in communicating what I want to deliver and what I don’t deliver to my audience and that they can count on me. The clearer, the more my audience will be confident that I understand their pain and that I am the right person to help them.


Job Descriptions

When looking for a job, there are 2 things I look first: job requirements and description. I believe those are the 2 most important parts on a job search, after all neither if you meet the requirements or you simply don’t want/are not prepared to perform their tasks, that’s what allows individuals to make their choice. My last description was the precursor for me to accept the job, it matched with what I was capable of doing and with what I wanted to do. While working in the company, it made me feel much more confident knowing their expectations of my tasks.  The adequacy of the position to the occupant improves the interpersonal relationship at work and aims at new opportunities for changes for a better quality of life at work. Job descriptions may seem like mere formalities in a company, but make no mistake. The truth is that it is a fundamental tool for the human resources department and for the management of people as a whole. More than that, its definitions impact the company in general. There is no way for a business to leave the place without being very clear about what each competitor is responsible for achieving its goals. After all, it works like a big cog: if a single employee does not do his part, the result can be compromised. Carrying out the job description comprises a strategy to highlight both the desired profile for a given function and its assignments. This way, everything is more organized and transparent for those involved.


Experiences with Discrimination

A good work environment is fundamental to the success of any company and its professionals. However, labor relations can generate several problems that place employees, at different hierarchical levels, in conflict situations. Perhaps the most serious of these is discrimination. In this management of the work environment, the organizational climate, there is an aspect that companies cannot control: the discrimination and prejudice of the employee himself and that are embedded in the personality, culture and creation of each person. It is a difficult or almost impossible feature to identify in the process of recruiting and selecting new employees. And often the prejudice takes time to come up or it comes slowly, almost imperceptibly. But sooner or later it ends up contaminating the environment and destroying the company’s efforts. In the end, nobody likes to work in a company full of prejudice and discrimination even if, at first, you are not their target.

When receiving a report of discrimination in the workplace, it is essential to make a thorough investigation of the facts, to understand what really happened. I have always been taught that every story always must have 2 sides. So I believe that in all cases in order to make any decision of which side to be on, we must understand the complete stories from different perspectives. Talk to the victim, the accused and possible witnesses, depending on the case described might be a good step to take. The more information you have at hand, the easier it will be to determine whether or not the situation characterizes discrimination in the workplace. If after doing my “research” on this case, I found that the company was really discriminating I would feel despise and despicable and would never accept that attitude because regardless if the employee was also wrong doing in the company, it is no reason to discriminate.


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