Capstone Blog.
Blog Post #4
I’d like to cover two things today, the current rate of my project and the topic of “What’s next?” after graduation. To begin with, I’d like to cover the current state of my project. Currently, I have the MapView kit working and the device GPS tracker implemented. Using the simulator, I also managed to get…
Blog Post #3
Everyone has their own ways of digging themselves out of a hole if they get stuck. From my purely biased personal perspective, it seems like so many people are good at this and always seem to find a way out despite how little they know. Unfortunately, I do not feel this way about myself. I…
Week 3 Review
What’s been going on? Despite the project being marked as None for preferred qualifications, the scope of this project seems very intimidating; at least from an initial standpoint. I have never worked with any game engine of any sort, yet alone implement features such as GPS tracking. There’s also the three dimensional aspect to it…
Blog Post #1
I’d like to start off this blog with a little bit about me. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been around computers for the majority of my life. One of the greatest memories from my childhood was renting interactive Disney storybook games from the library in addition to watching Animal Planet on TV.…
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