Two Oregon Sea Grant publications win Apex awards

Oregon Sea Grant has won two awards in the 2010 Apex Awards for Publication Excellence: a Grand Award (first prize) in the Brochures, Manuals, and Reports category for The Oregon Rain Garden Guide; and an Award of Excellence in the Design and Illustration category for the Oregon Sea Grant 2010-2013 Strategic Plan.

Of the Rain Garden Guide, judges commented: “This well thought-out and well-done guide offers practical advice on building rain gardens to capture, treat, and use storm water runoff. Excellent use of photos, illustrations, charts, and typography reinforce the clear, easy-reading text.”

The Oregon Rain Garden Guide was written by Robert Emanuel and Derek Godwin of Oregon Sea Grant Extension, and Candace Stoughton of East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District. It was designed by Patricia Andersson and edited by Rick Cooper, both of Oregon Sea Grant. Other contributors include (alphabetically) Neil Bell, Angela Boudro, Heidi Brill, Teresa Huntsinger, Joy Jones, and Linda McMahan.

The Oregon Sea Grant 2010-2013 Strategic Plan was written and edited by Oregon Sea Grant staff and designed by Patricia Andersson.

There were 3,711 entries in 127 categories in this year’s Apex competition, 100 of which received Grand Awards and 1,132 of which received Awards of Excellence.