A Commitment to Understanding Your Job Requirements.

When discussing job descriptions, we have to first talk about the importance. A clear and concise job description can rid of confusion among employees, avoid litigation, and decrease turnover in companies. In my personal experience when job hunting, I have applied for several jobs and when I get to the interview they begin discussing certifications I am suppose to have that were never listed. This not only wasted my time but the employers as well. If I was informed prior, this could have saved time for both parties involved. When not having an accurate depiction of what daily expectations are this can lead to confusion in the workplace. This can lead to a decrease in morale, as well as productivity. When discussing ways to overcome the challenge of descriptions we can talk about the importance in updating them. Keeping up to date with changes in the job descriptions let employees and future candidates the full scope of their job duties. Along with that we can hire a job analyst annually to come and analyze each category of job and help stay up to date on descriptions. In a personal experience of my own, one of my managers at a previous job was fired because he was forcing lower ranking employees to do his job. No where in our job description did it state what he was asking us to do. However, his manager found out he was pawning his job onto others. This shows how important it is to know your own job description in the workplace.