The implicit bias test I took was related to age. My results were surprising. I apparently have a slight bias to prefer young people to old people. Which is interesting to me because I tend to have wonderful conversations with all of the older people in my life. The reason that I chose to take the age test was because of the special decision that we had in your simulation this week. During our deliberation talking about which candidate would be best to hire we found ourselves considering age in the hiring decision. Specifically, we consider the age of the 55-year-old retired military applicant. We caught ourselves discussing how he was near retirement age and it would be almost a waste of resources to potentially have him for a few years just to turn around and have to hire and train another person. We were unintentionally using his age to score him lower than the other candidates which is wrong. We had to remind ourselves that even though we may have thought that initially, it cannot count against him it is unethical. Age is something that I think is less prevalent when we discuss biases, compared to race for example. It seemed to have slipped our minds for a second while I don’t think that race would have ever slipped our minds.