Writing Exercise #7

As babies, humans depend on their mothers for most of, if not all of their needs. They depend on them for food, security, and knowledge. However, it goes much deeper than that because babies also depend on their mothers for growing their immunity. This can mean through the transfer of healthy bacteria that will colonize on the outside and inside of the body. During this time it is crucial for the mother to be aware of the things that she is transmitting to her newborn infant. Below are possible ways that will alter the natural interactions between the mother and infant.

Cesarean Section

Cesarean section, also known as C-section can be a very scary thing option for mothers in child labor. It goes against the natural method of pregnancy and the first practices of C-section caused many complications such as bacterial infection for both the mother and newborn. Thanks to advancements, modern technology has decreased the rates of complications and made it practically safe for both parties.

Formula Feeding

As infants, the only food intake that we need is the breast milk of our mothers. This milk holds all the nutrients necessary for us to grow healthy. However, it has become popular to use baby formula as an alternative to breast milk since some mothers aren’t able to produce the amount of milk needed to feed their newborns. Although it is safe to consume, the growth of the healthy bacteria in the gut may not have been what it would’ve been solely off of breast milk. This alternate way of feeding may change how the gut microbial community is constructed.


Mothers who are on antibiotics prior to pregnancy increase the risk of their newborn generating more proteobacteria than normal. Proteobacteria decreases other genuses of bacteria such as Lactobacillales, Streptococcaceae, and Gemellaceae. Members of the genus lactobacillales aid in the digestion of breast milk.


There are many factors that go into creating a healthy gut microbiome for newborn infants. The process starts during the pregnancy and keeps on going until the newborn has created their own healthy gut microbiome. However, there are many chances of transmission of other bacteria that could alter the growth of the gut microbiome. It is essential for the mother to properly feed their newborns and introduce them to a healthy amount of the outside world. If all is done right, the gut microbiome and immune system of the child will be able to take on anything the world throws at it.

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