
OSU College of Phrmacy Faculty Featured in OSU’s Terra Magazine – Spring 2018

Dr. Jane Ishmael with graduate student Xuemei Wan
(Photo by Chris Becerra | Terra Magazine Spring 2018)

OSU College of Phrmacy Faculty Featured in OSU’s
Terra Magazine – Spring 2018

College of Pharmacy faculty Dr. Jane Ishmael, PhD and Dr. Fred Stevens PhD were featured in the Spring 2018 edition of Oregon State’s Terra Magazine!

In an article entitled “The Biochemistry of Cannabis: Oregon Looks to Science to Understand How Marijuana Affects Human Health” highlights Dr. Jane Ishmael’s study of compounds which could be used as cancer treatments. The article mentions Ishmael’s research on a particular compound discovered by Dr. Kerry McPhail in 2008, called Coibamide A. The lab is working to discover whether or not the compound kills cancer cells.

Additionally Dr. Fred Stevens was featured in an article entitled “Hops for Health,” describing his research on the compounds derived from hops, which are used to make beer. His research finds that those compounds are likely to improve mental function in those with metabolic syndrome.

Both articles can be found in the online edition of the magazine click here.

(Ishmael) Biochemistry of Cannabis: page 6
(Stevens) Hops for Health: page 34

Source:  Terra Magazine