Publisher Integrations – Update

With OSU’s Learning Management System evaluation in full swing during Spring term, the work to investigate publisher integrations has been deferred. A decision on which learning management will be selected is expected in mid-June 2014. The Blackboard Steering Committee will then take appropriate action, based on the LMS decision outcome. Please stay tuned to this blog for further details.

Publisher integrations to be evaluated

As many of you know, an integration to the McGraw-Hill Connect and Create platforms was implemented in Blackboard in Summer 2013. Many instructors have been asking about integrations for additional publishers.

Now that the upgrade to Service Pack 13 is complete, the Blackboard Steering Committee will begin evaluating publisher integrations. Our evaluation will be guided by:

  • The need and number of OSU instructors and students who use a given publisher’s content (the OSU Bookstore is assisting with this analysis).
  • The quality of technical support and technical environment (e.g., uptime; building block configuration, etc.) that a publisher offers. Some are definitely better than others.
  • The value that our learning community will experience (e.g., quality of content integration to the Bb site, and quality of gradebook integration).

We are well aware of the desire to have effective integration between online publisher content and our LMS, and will keep you updated via this blog