Blog 1

  • Labor Unions

    Some of the major benefits of labor unions include higher wages, better benefits, better working conditions, and increased job security. Any single one of these benefits is attractive by itself and when you group them together, they can make it easy to overlook some of the negative aspects that come with unions. One of the…

  • Stress management

    Although I have taken a variety of emotional and mental health surveys throughout the years, I still think that taking them again on occasion is a great way to self-reflect. My results from the Coping with Stress Management Skills Test and the Type A Personality Survey were about what I expected: I lean heavily towards…

  • Money motivates

    Compensation played a direct role in my decision to resign from a position that I held in the past. With the unforeseen departure of a high-level manager, I was given the opportunity to move into a high-level management position. At first, neither myself nor the company were immediately worried about my salary, and we were…

  • Reflecting on interviews

    The vast majority of the interviews that I have been part of have been unstructured and I was often left thinking about how something could have been done better. At the last company I worked for we regularly interviewed candidates for entry level positions, but not once did I see any of the interviewers prepare…

  • Job descriptions and their challenges

    Having well developed job descriptions that clearly outline the roles and responsibilities of the employee is vital to having a successful management team. Accurate job descriptions provide managers with an outline to compare potential hires, serve as a performance metric, and what I believe to be the most important function, provide written expectations of your…

  • Great Companies have the best managers

    After looking at the companies that made 2020 Fortune Best Companies to Work For list, a few commonalities start to stand out. Employees from companies such Hilton, Wegmans Food Markets, Inc., Stryker, and American Express all expressed that their respective company is focused on taking care of the employee.[1] So what is it that makes…

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