Week 3 – Job Descriptions 

Ashley He

My current role is with the College of Business, but the last job that I had was an internship with OHSU in Portland in the summer. The job description mildly influenced by decision to apply for that position as I knew that I would receive experience in the healthcare industry, which is a sector that I am interested in. The role that was to be filled was the healthcare administration intern role, and this job description only mildly influenced me, as I knew about the organization and their initiatives and desired to be a part of the organization.

My experience on the job did not fully match the job description, as I would have to conduct research and generate a website, which were both tasks that I have never been entrusted to do prior to this role. I did have some experience in the administrative and leadership side, as I have done some work for the College of Business. These were the experiences that I had highlighted and talked about in my interview. What was similar is that I had the leadership skills that they were looking for in a candidate, but what was different was the research aspect. This was something that I did not have to do outside of school work, and creating a website was a skill that I never learned. I was able to learn from my preceptor, and in the end it worked out well, as I gained two new valuable experiences that can be utilized. The role has been removed from the OHSU website, therefore the job description cannot be retrieved unfortunately.