Agenda May 31st

Goal: Develop Roadmap, Develop mission statement for CHARnet

7:30                 Breakfast

8:30                 Recap (Kristin Trippe)

Breakout sessions (same groups as Day 1)

8:45                 Rumsfeld analysis part II: Identifying known unknowns. Identify fundamental questions that need to be addressed to deploy biochar research to agricultural or ecological applications.  Identify key experiments to answer those questions.

10:45               Present findings from each group

11:00               Break

11:15               Group Discussion: A 10-year Roadmap for ARS biochar research (facilitated by Kristin Trippe and Marlen Eve)

12:45               Lunch

1:30                 Group Discussion: CHARnet- where do we go from here?    (facilitated by Kurt Spokas, Research Chemist, St. Paul, MN)

3:00                 Group Discussion Recap and Next Steps

4:00                 Adjourn