A Semi-Functional Site
Now that my group is a few weeks away from finishing our project, the site is beginning to have a lot of functionality. One of the features that I was very satisfied with was the ability to create an account and log in. It might seem simple, but this feature allows people to have their…
A Bump in the Road
While in the middle of my journey of designing the front end of the website, I ran into a large, time-consuming problem. I had a meeting with my teammates who were both working on the backend. They told me that they made a quick and easy way to deploy the site. Unfortunately, for me, it…
Diving into a new project.
Today is the first day that I started designing the front end of my team’s animal shelter website. I met with my group last week and we talked online for a couple of hours about all the features our site should have. Our goal is to create a responsive webpage that works on desktops, tablets,…
It’s Been an Adventure at OSU.
Welcome to my blog! Getting to this point has been quite a ride. My journey started when I was working a night shift at a mental hospital, and I realized that I was overworked and underpaid. I did some career research and discovered it was possible to change careers in as little as two years…