Metroid: Samus Returns… but it took her a while.

It’s only been 26 years.

So last week, I wrote about Metroid Prime 4 and what a shock that was.

That wasn’t the only Metroid game previewed at E3. We had two previewed. Two. This, as you may know from math, is a much larger number than the zero we were accustomed to.

Metroid: Samus Returns is a complete remake of the original Metroid 2: Return of Samus GameBoy game. While Metroid 2 was good for its time it’s still a GameBoy game. So, it’s aged like someone drinking from the wrong grail in Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail… poorly.

This new version has modern 3DS graphics, sounds, new enemies, new mechanics… new everything. The story is mostly the same. Everything else is a massive and welcome upgrade to a game that was originally released in 1991. Think about that for a moment: we’re getting a remake to a game that’s 26 years old.

It’s quite a long time to wait for a game to come back around. But based on the trailer and gameplay videos of the game it’s going to be worth the wait.

Please buy this and Metroid 4 so we don’t have to wait decades again. These games are amazing for the gameplay, the visuals, the music, and especially the atmosphere. Nothing else in gaming is quite like them.

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